Steakwallet is now OMNI
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Cover image for The Odyssey Begins

The Odyssey Begins

Find and connect to the supported bridges to start your journey

The Odyssey has officially started. To qualify for the first NFT, you can use any of the supported bridges and bridge to Arbitrum from any chain they support. Be aware that only ETH will be counted. Those who use the most popular bridge will receive a bonus NFT, therefore it might make sense to bridge in batches through multiple bridges.

Enjoy the journey!

Cover Image for Hop


A protocol for sending tokens across rollups and their shared L1 network in a quick and trustless manner
Cover Image for Across


A cross-chain bridging solution supporting fast, secure, and cost-efficient transfers.
Cover Image for Multichain


The ultimate router for Web3.
Cover Image for Hashflow


Trade seamlessly across chains with MEV protection and low fees.
Cover Image for DeBridge


Utilise cross-chain swaps or bridge any arbitrary asset across multiple chains.
Cover Image for Connext


Fast, trust-minimized communication between blockchains.
Cover Image for Li.Fi


Access advanced bridge & DEX aggregation.
Cover Image for cBridge


Enjoy the best in class asset bridging experience.
Cover Image for Bungee


Move your assets cross-chain via the best possible route.
Cover Image for Varen


Cross-chain swapping dApp, powered by RenVM
Cover Image for BoringDAO


Enables assets to be freely transferred between different chains through oPortal.

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