Steakwallet is now OMNI
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Cover image for Lend or Borrow on Avalanche

Lend or Borrow on Avalanche

Cover Image for Yeti Finance

Yeti Finance

Borrow 21x against your portfolio with 0% interest and create amazing strategies.
Cover Image for Benqi


Benqi is a non-custodial lending and borrowing protocol on Avalanche.
Cover Image for AAVE


Earn on your deposits and borrow assets.
Cover Image for QiDao


Borrow MAI and multiply your exposure to crypto.
Cover Image for Market


Leverage assets you believe in.
Cover Image for Alpha Homora V2

Alpha Homora V2

A protocol for leveraging your position in yield farming and liquidity providing pools.
Cover Image for Iron Bank

Iron Bank

Iron Bank provides on-chain undercollateralized/zero-collateral lending for selected borrowers.

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